Education - REACH Media Network Digital Signage Software Thu, 30 May 2024 12:46:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Education - REACH Media Network 32 32 Top Digital Signage Apps for K-12 Fri, 03 Sep 2021 19:14:27 +0000 Digital signage apps Top K-12 apps There are 56.4 million K-12 students in the United States, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. With such a large student body, it is more important than ever to ensure sufficient communication models are in place to guarantee the success of each child. With the right tools, digital signage can be an efficient way to broadcast large amounts of information productively. REACH’s content management software contains an array of apps that provide great flexibility in your communication efforts. However, to enrich the learning experience of your students, it is important to recognize what apps can prove most valuable and how to use them effectively. In this document, we will go over the top apps for k-12 education and how they benefit both software users and school staff/students. TOP digital K-12 apps Why Digital Signage? Before implementing digital signage into your schools, it is important to understand the benefits it will bring to the learning experience to develop a successful communication strategy. Whether creating content behind the screen or directly consuming it, REACH’s cloud-based management software grants a variety of perks for users and viewers alike. TOP digital K-12 apps Media Library &...

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Top College Digital Signage Apps Fri, 03 Sep 2021 18:02:30 +0000 Digital signage apps Top college apps As of 2020, there are about 19.75 million college students in the U.S., with that number expected to increase. With a growing student body, it is more important than ever for campuses to improve their communication efforts to effectively inform students and staff of upcoming events, new announcements, and important deadlines. Digital signage can bolster campus communication through eye-catching displays and app integrations that create a dynamic approach to delivering information. REACH’s content management software carries a variety of applications and tools that introduce a great deal of flexibility, allowing universities to maintain their branding. Apps are not only helpful, but they enhance the overall campus experience. In this article, we will share the most commonly used apps and how they benefit a college campus. TOP digital college apps Media Library & Playlist The Media Library and Playlist applications are the most used applications for educational institutions, and for good reason. The Media Library is where you store all your assets and where you can find the Announcement Editor tool. If you have a Canva account, you can link it with the REACH software to create stunning designs as well. Regardless of the method...

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Digital Sign for California Elementary, Middle, High School & College Wed, 25 Sep 2019 21:04:51 +0000 Digital Signage for California Schools | Elementary, Middle, High School & College Elementary, middle, high school and college schools looking to improve campus communications should look to invest in digital signage for schools. Thanks to digital signage for California schools, educational institutions can greatly enhance the learning experience for students in a wide variety of different ways. REACH Partners With Large Number of California Colleges and Universities REACH Media Network has long partnered with a large number of universities and colleges in California. In fact, more than 50 California educational institutions use REACH as their campus wide digital signage solutions. A few of these institutions include UCLA, USC, Cal Berkeley, Cal State Northridge and Cal State San Bernardino. REACH Digital Signage Not Just for Higher Education Institutions While REACH is firmly connected with a number of higher education institutions across the state, elementary, middle and high schools like Harvard-Westlake in Los Angeles can also benefit from the many features of REACH digital signage software. Use our College Digital Signage Apps to create live and engaging content for your school! Benefits of REACH Digital Signage for California Schools Below are just a few of the many benefits that schools can leverage...

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How to Use Digital Signage for your School Fri, 13 Sep 2019 12:00:10 +0000 There’s no doubt that technology is integral in almost every student’s life today. Whether it’s a smartphone, a laptop, or gaming console, students live and breathe technology. One way to better connect with your students is by using digital signage for schools from the team at REACH Media Network. We offer a top-notch digital signage software that will help you to better connect with your students using the very technology that they’ve become so reliant upon. Why Schools Are Turning to Digital Signage to Connect With Students There are a whole host of reasons why schools are turning to digital signage to better communicate with students and staff alike. Below are just a few of the main reasons more and more educational institutions are leveraging the power of digital signage: Inspire Students – As educators, one of our primary purposes is to inspire our students. This can happen in the classroom, but digital signage is also a way in which we can help to offer inspiration to our students. Think about the ability to display quotes, offer advice and deliver all different types of motivational information through digital signage. This little bit of encouragement can go a long way when it comes...

The post How to Use Digital Signage for your School first appeared on REACH Media Network.

Digital Signage For K12 Schools Wed, 11 Sep 2019 14:21:35 +0000 Educational institutions can benefit from a variety of technology enhancements, one of which being digital signage. School Digital Signage from REACH Media Network allows educational institutions of all sizes to be able to better communicate with their staff and students. Whether your school has one location, or many, digital signage for schools can help to quickly disseminate information to all. Why Choose School Digital Signage Software? Below are just a few of the reasons why choosing school digital signage could be beneficial for you, your staff and your students. Interact via Social Media – Our digital signage software integrates directly with all your school’s social media profiles. This means that you can add an interactive element to your digital signage. Easily share social media updates and have staff and students interact by sharing hashtags. Emergency Alert Notifications – If your school uses a third-party emergency alert system, chances are that it can integrate directly with REACH digital signage software. This way when and if an emergency occurs, it can be instantly displayed on all your digital signage devices, regardless of location. Single-Sign On Capabilities – Thanks to single-sign on support, users can automatically gain access to digital signage software using...

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REACH is Adding More Campus-Wide Partners like Northwestern University Tue, 10 Sep 2019 12:00:23 +0000 More and more educational institutions are beginning to understand the value of digital signage, and REACH Media Network is proud to announce that Northwestern University is adding new digital signage campus-wide. The University is excited to leverage many of the features that are part of REACH’s cloud based digital signage solution. Universities and educational institutions of all types see significant benefit from the easy-to-use content management system that’s provided by REACH. This system allows anyone to easily update digital signage across different departments. University personnel can easily share announcements or even quickly distribute important information across an entire campus with the click of a button. Digital signage software from REACH also offers fully customizable layouts, which allow departments to personalize their displays to ensure they stand out from other areas of the school. Each department likely has important information that they’d love to share, and digital signage gives these departments the screen real estate that can help to better tell their story. One of the main reasons educational institutions like Northwestern are turning to REACH for all their digital signage needs is because of the customer support and training that’s available to all of our partners. When you partner with...

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School Digital Signage Solutions for Education Mon, 09 Sep 2019 12:22:39 +0000 Schools are always looking for new ways to better connect with students and staff members. Using digital signage for schools you can quickly disseminate information to as many people as possible. If you’re looking to better communicate and engage with your staff and students, digital signage software from REACH Media Network may be exactly what you’re looking for. Benefits of School Digital Signage Solutions for Education There are countless ways you can use digital signage in an educational setting, a few of which include: Integrate Weekly Class Schedules – School Digital signage offers a great way for you to integrate weekly class schedules. Ensure students and staff understand your weekly class schedules and quickly make changes in the cloud and watch those changes instantly propagate across all of your digital signage devices. Emergency Alerts – While no one wants to have to deal with an emergency of any kind, unfortunately they occasionally do happen. When and if they do, it’s important that you’re quickly able to provide emergency alerts to all your staff and students. In addition, our software can integrate with a number of emergency alert systems so that automatic alerts can quickly be published on your digital signage. Showcase...

The post School Digital Signage Solutions for Education first appeared on REACH Media Network.

REACH Adds Weather Integration for Smaller Colleges K-12 Schools Thu, 05 Sep 2019 12:00:06 +0000 REACH Media Network has integrated with third party emergency notification services for quite some time. This has allowed larger collegiate campuses to quickly display emergency alerts across your school and college digital signage screens. The trouble with these integrated third party alert systems is that they can be quite expensive, making them out of reach for many smaller colleges and K-12 institutions. Noticing this issue, REACH Media Network has been hard at work developing an integration with the National Weather Service and their Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) to allow these emergency notifications to be sent over a display network and even provide instant messaging concerning any weather related threat. This new functionality is being provided at absolutely no extra cost through the REACH Content Management System. This gives smaller schools access to this amazing technology to ensure the safety and well-being of staff and students is always paramount during any type of weather emergency. The team at REACH is constantly updating its software to offer new features that are useful for all partners. This ensures that investing in digital signage software is something that will pay dividends for educational institutions for many years to come. This is why REACH partners...

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Digital Software and Hardware Solutions for Education Mon, 24 Jun 2019 18:45:07 +0000 At REACH Media Network, we have a large number of clients in the education sector. Our digital software for schools offers a whole host of features that allow schools and other educational institutions to leverage the power of digital signage. Read on to learn about some of the new features that are available with digital signage software from REACH. Compelling Digital Signage Features for Educational Institutions Below are a few of the many features that are an integral part of our digital signage software for education: Emergency Alert Systems – Any school needs to be able to quickly alert students, teachers and staff about any type of emergency. Thankfully if you have a number of digital signs throughout your school, you can quickly alert everyone about any type of emergency. These updates can be done manually or you can interface with third party platforms such as CrisisGo, which allows this process to be completely automated. Wayfinding Capabilities & Interactive Maps – One common thread with many of our education clients is the need for some type of mapping system that makes getting around their facilities as easy as possible. To solve this problem, we offer digital signage software with wayfinding...

The post Digital Software and Hardware Solutions for Education first appeared on REACH Media Network.

Interactive Displays for Colleges and Universities Wed, 01 May 2019 15:46:59 +0000 Most colleges and universities around the country have college digital signage located around their campuses displaying a wide array of information. If your educational institution is looking to upgrade their digital signage software to improve the aesthetic look and feel as well as the available features, feel free to learn more about digital signage software for colleges and universities from REACH Media Network. How Colleges and Universities Can Benefit from Interactive Displays Most college students today are constantly on their smartphones, tablets and computers. As an educational institution it’s important that you’re doing all you can to effectively reach your students. One way to do this is through interactive displays around your campus. Below are just a few ways that you can effectively use digital signage at your school to effectively communicate information to both students and staff. Promote school events One effective use for interactive displays is to announce important school events. If you have digital signage located in high traffic areas, this can help to get the word out about important events that may be overlooked otherwise. In fact, with digital signage software from REACH you can even interface an online calendar directly to our software so you...

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